At first ,What I learned in my Human Communication lecture last week is 'What is Communication?'
This guy is a joker man!
I love the original soundtrack by Bob Marley - Everything`s Gonna Be Alright must listen to it.The first thing that comes into my head is people talking to each others , speaking and listening but there are more than that. So , since i am super duper free after watching Russell Peters(picture above). So now, I am gonna blog about what I learned during the period of lecture.
A Short Brief on The Human communication was the first way of human communication was known as speech about 200,000 years ago. Symbols were developed about 30,000 years ago , writing about 7,000.
Human communication is also knows as Anthroposemiotics is the field dedicated the understanding people communicate:
1)Intrapersonal communication is when one communicate with themselves. It happens to me sometimes.Really!
2)Interpersonal communication is one communicate with another person. This definitely happens to everyone except nerdy or something else.
3)Mass Communication is where an individual or group communicate and deal with a huge number of people(billions) by the use of newspaper , magazine , tv , advertisement and etc.
4)Public Communication is the type of communication whereby one speaks to many individuals.
5)Small Group Communication is a between a group member of 3-5 people.
In conclusions my point of views, happening peoples majority communicates most of the time , unhappening peoples will communicates less. I got a thoughts that what really happens, Its like the movie .. ' I Am Legend' . The creepy part where Will Smith talking to mannequins.
In conclusions my point of views, happening peoples majority communicates most of the time , unhappening peoples will communicates less. I got a thoughts that what really happens, Its like the movie .. ' I Am Legend' . The creepy part where Will Smith talking to mannequins.
Will Smith : Wassup man!
Mannequins : .....
Will Smith : Can i have that ?
Mannequins : .....
Will Smith : Free ? !?
Mannequins : .....
Will Smith : I will pay u back next tyme
Mannequins : .....So Chillin'
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