Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Non-verbal communication is commonly used in the process of flirting.Body language is a very important element in the whole attraction process.Most non-verbal actions are unconscious, both in their application and interpretation. Woman are really into body languages.They usually judge men by their non-verbal communication within seconds of meeting them.Your ability to communicate non verbally decides whether you are successful or not during the whole flirting process.That’s why it’s so important to focus on mastering body language principles.

There are few rules on non verbal communication(NVB) during flirting. First of all, look don't stare. Stare is the common mistake during the flirting process. Some girls would get really irritated when guys stares at them. They find that it is extremely rude to stare. Look and stare are two different thinsg.So,don’t stare, but by holding someone’s gaze slightly longer when talking, it will show your interest in them.Eye contact is very important, it tells that you are sincere.Meanwhile, smile up until your face aches! Smile shows your confidence(as long as you dont fake it). Girls will feel more confident when you are confident around them and then communication will take you to the next level. Evade fiddling when nervous. Guys usually do random stuff with his hands when nervous, he might even touch his face for no apparent reason. He's just searching for things to do i pressume..Then, if the communication is going well, dont forget to mirror the movements of those you are talking with. Make this subtle, but by casually following the physical pace of your conversation partner, it builds rapport.